For your convenience, you may manage your tuition account via the link below.


An Active Parishioner

  • is registered with the parish for at least 3 months
  • attends Mass weekly
  • makes regular and identifiable contributions by using parish envelopes or WeShare.

These criteria are used to verify parishioner status for Weddings, Sacramental Preparation, Parish School of Religion enrollment, Sponsor Certificates for Baptism and Confirmation, and to receive parishioner tuition rates at Catholic schools. 

(School families must make $800 in contributions and attend Mass regularly between January and December to receive parishioner tuition rates for the following school year. Example: $800 in contributions from January 2023-December 2023 would qualify you to receive parishioner tuition rates for the school year 2024-2025).

An extended time with no activity will place a person or family on inactive status.